This is a spontaneous transmission on Jupiter in Capricorn that I wrote yesterday. More on 2020 energies will be coming soon :)
Jupiter crossed into Capricorn Monday and eclipse season will begin next week at the full moon. Jupiter's motion into Capricorn officially pulls in the transition into 2020 energies, and the eclipses are soon to illuminate and amplify the coming transformations, particularly in January. We have been preparing for this time for the entire decade, and especially this past year.
I feel the transition of Jupiter into Capricorn is bringing in a more focused energy — while it was transiting through Sag, it was a time of spiritual exploration, expansion and even literal travel for many people. Our concept of reality, our lives and what brings it meaning, has expanded its scope to contain more and be less delineated. Especially in the modern world of spirituality -- it feels like a shift towards a more integrated approach to spirituality is available/unfolding.
With Jupiter’s transition into Capricorn, I feel that this a time where we bring some of temple life into our modern life, a bit of the esoteric into the scientific, and so on. This is necessary even more so for people who see themselves as following a spiritual path, as this is somewhat of a departure from past archetypes of ascension/spiritual evolution/enlightment, where asceticism and separation were more of the norm. Now is a time when we evolve within our human lives, and along with this human world. To become like the immortals who have previously walked the earth. Embodied in our light -- and functional in our relationship to the planet and reality as it is and as it can be.
To do this successfully requires a lot of grounded work. It is work that has many manifestations and purposes — and is sorely needed for the gradual evolution of human consciousness on this planet. The 2020 alignment of Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter in Capricorn, is essentially laying the energetic groundwork for this evolution to be possible on the larger scale. It starts first in the inner world and individual integrity of spirit. The more integral we are, the more effective, even if the effect is extremely subtle. Yes, part of the effect can even be our own perception of life shifting — but just because it is internal to us, does not mean that others do not respond to it.
It is hard to say how fast or how slow this process occurs for both oneself and for "all of humanity" as it were. If we look back at history, we can see that evolutions in consciousness occurred slowly over hundreds of years. But if we look at our present day, it seems that they can happen quite quickly, relatively speaking — so quick that people who aren't ready for the changes are quite fearful about where the world is going — so there is a massive amount of conflict as a result. Just look at the social issues that have come up in the past 5 years alone in the USA — racial, lgbtq+, gender, & socio-economic sensitivity & awareness has all been right in the foreground with many people who are fully ready to change their thinking on these matters, and many others feeling extraordinarily challenged by these ideas, even outright rejecting them. From a larger view, the conflict is not rooted in truth or non-truth, but in the fabric of reality being shaken, and people having different reactions to it. There are, of course, many people who will try to seek comfort, while others find themselves in positions where no comfort is available, so the adventure and embracing of the unknown is the reality. It's the latter party that is on the forefront of the changes — and also who face the pain, loneliness and fear of rejection the most intensely. But it is not easy for either side — for changes in these areas are inevitable, and the issues are deeply rooted — in the long run, requiring systemic overhaul. And social issues are only one example. Environmental, economic, health, government and structural issues of all kinds are also up and facing similar conflicts, challenges and need for transformation.
But I am here to tell you that it is beginning. Whether or not it appears to be, the evolutions have been happening for the better part of the past century, and 2020 bears the seeds for an even more profound change in human consciousness that I sense will unfold with intensity over the coming decades. On the intuitive level where I receive these messages from, there is no feeling that we are heading into a dark ages, or that we must worry about descending backwards into chaos as history has shown to be the case in the past (and as some people like to predict) -- this time it is different. The energy of light in humanity is supported. We do not need to live or abide by the darkness in the world, and in fact, we have the capacity to effect it with our deeds great and small. It is the collective comprised of individuals choosing light, honesty, integrity, service and righteousness that creates change.
We might all still be grappling with our own inner struggles and we will not escape being confronted, conflicted, depressed, or discouraged but when we choose service from our sincere heart, we are also requiring ourselves to face our duality and human weaknesses. It takes strength to be willing to create a strong and pure sense of the inner self, to remain integral, not just for the self but for the selfless tasks in life which we are assigned.
That said, it is not always about our outer world and living a life that "looks" like a spiritual one -- more, it is about who we are inside and how we choose to give and be in our lives. So whoever you are, wherever you are, be where you are and trust in the place you stand and the places you feel pulled to go from the higher aspects of your being. This is the truth more clear and correct than anything that could ever be told to you.
We're here to help each other, and we also all have our part, our small piece -- a piece that deserves its own honor -- and has as much breadth and uniqueness as our fingerprints. It doesn't need to look like anything you know of, or it can appear to be completely ordinary. And it also has the capacity to completely evolve in unexpected ways — to be nothing like it was when we began.
Jupiter in Capricorn is about doing this work, actualizing the vision, and seeing the dream come to reality. 2020 & beyond hold so much potential for this to also happen within the greater world.
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Check out the Astro Shop for in-depth course offerings & reports on the Astrology of 2019 & 2020! And stay tuned — there is more coming soon!!!
A presentation I made for Asheville Friends of Astrology on October 18, 2019 on Transits as Spiritual Process. In this talk I discuss the effects of the outer planets in transit and offer some perspectives on how to approach planetary influences in a constructive and multi-dimensional way.
In addition to the video is an article I wrote with an in-depth transit analysis for Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in order to further explore the layers of a long-term transit and its impact on the natal chart.