Hello Everyone
and Happy 2019!
We have a big month upon us already, astrologically speaking, with important eclipses kicking off the new year!
If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know that I like to write about eclipse cycles because they are such potent periods of transformation. I am very excited for you to read what has come to me about the January eclipses.
That said, with the new year upon us I have an important announcement to make!
Starting this year, I have decided, with a leap of faith, to change the format of my blog offerings. Instead of the public, general articles that I have been writing, I will be switching to a paid structure. Within the new structure I will be offering my usual Cosmic Weather transmissions, as well as incorporating more educational materials for you to enjoy. The articles will be provided as downloadable PDF files that you can purchase here on my blog or in my store :)
The reason for this shift is multifold. By offering my content for a small fee, this will allow me to be able to write more frequently, and gives me latitude to begin doing something I’ve wanted to do for years: Teach the practical aspects of astrology as a tool for soul evolution & spiritual transformation. Through this change, I will be able to spend more time exploring the function of cosmological principles in a way that is naturally digestible and assists in developing intuition / energetic relationship to the cosmos.
I believe that we learn best through experience — and what better way to learn more about astrology but through the immediate reflection of the current cosmic weather patterns. The guidance I received from my spirit was that this new format will allow me to work more deeply with a group energy, and create from my passion which is soul process & spiritual cultivation. I am truly excited to see how it all unfolds and receive your feedback. Already there is much I am hoping to share :)
Keep on scrolling to learn more about what this month’s PDF has to offer and to purchase the report!!!
In this month’s article I share a 12 page in-depth analysis of the Eclipses of January 2019.
This report includes:
Perspectives on using Astrology as a tool for soul expansion
Discussion of Taoist principle “Wu Wei”/Non-doing when working with Astrology
In-depth explanation of the meaning of Eclipses and their function in our spiritual process
A full analysis of the energies of the Partial Solar Eclipse on January 5
A full analysis of the energies fo the Total Lunar Eclipse on January 21
Dates of previous periods that relate to this one
A brief note on what to expect for the New Year of 2019 (more to come in next month’s Lunar New Year article)
Excerpts from January’s Cosmic Weather report…
“…In general, the frequency of the planet is increasing so rapidly now that we can no longer hold the old paradigms in place – but these paradigms are so deep that they feel like reality to us, so fear of letting go is extreme. What this eclipse is saying to me is that we are recognizing how much we are limiting ourselves because of fear, and are readying ourselves for the transition to the next levels. We see now that the choice is to be imprisoned by our old issues or step daringly into the unknown. Either situation is uncomfortable – as one feels overbearing while the other feels overwhelming. ” — Read More.
“…The keyword for the New Moon / Solar Eclipse is REINVENTION. If you are inclined to set New Years resolutions/New Moon intentions, this eclipse is especially potent for reviewing where in your life and your being you need to reinvent yourself so that you can be YOU more fully in 2019.
How can I take better care of myself and my needs, so that I can remain centered with my own truth & feelings? What negative ideas or habits have I developed that undermine my inner sense of foundation & security? Where do I equate difficulty & burdens with importance and meaning? How can I be more supportive of myself, so that I can live in a manner that leaves me feeling restored and balanced?
These questions (& more in the full article) can assist us in thinking more deeply about how to move forward with changes and improvements in our lives this year. ” — Read More.
“…We have been grappling with the Leo / Aquarius energy since 2017. The Leo/Aquarius node cycle was about identifying “Who am I?” and “What am I here to create as an individual?” The Lunar Eclipse feels very much like a conclusion to that story. Did you discover who you are? Did you learn how to be yourself, even when your social group doesn’t understand? Have you decided your direction – from your own heart? If the answer is yes to the previous questions – this eclipse will bring about emotional breakthrough and a sense of peace with your choice. If there are still questions in this area, this eclipse will bring those up so you can begin to answer them and move forward.” — Read More.
Thank you for your support :)